The brand transformation for real transformation pros

If a company that specializes in change and transformation support is going through a change itself, we are only too happy to provide support with content, images, and strategy.

Brand positioning

Brand positioning

Product icons

Product icons

Illustration style

Illustration style

Social Media

Social Media



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The client

As a technology consultancy, Campana & Schott supports its clients in the most significant changes of our time.

The economy and society are in a constant state of change. In order to remain relevant and competitive, companies must now more than ever face far-reaching and, above all, complex change processes. They are the decisive success factor for future-proof companies.

True to the motto "Transformation. Passion. Results." Campana & Schott advises and supports companies in the four most important transformation challenges: Digital Transformation, Sustainable Transformation, Transformation of Work as well as Business Transformation.

The task

New brand identity, new corporate design, new corporate website – at one fell swoop!

Each of these projects in itself is a real challenge for companies. The task of developing three projects in parallel and thus leading Campana & Schott's entire external image into a new era is a truly mammoth task.

Step 2

Fresh and human brand presence

Our objective was to create a brand experience across all media and channels that generates a strong emotional impact. In doing so, our path was largely guided by the vision "Focus on people". The core of the well-functioning Campana & Schott brand was to be retained and modernized.

Step 1

New positioning and brand model

Our first challenge was to develop concise statements and integrate them seamlessly into a coherent brand model. It was crucial to focus on technological innovation and digital transformation without losing sight of the people behind the brand.

Step 3

Roll-out on all channels

Finally, while the website experts at SNK were able to turn their attention to the third task: the complete relaunch of the website, which involved seamlessly integrating the new brand values and fresh design into the online presence. We created templates for PowerPoint, brochures, and digital advertisements in order to convince across all channels.

The solution

Our design approach: "We connect worlds"

These worlds are the world of transformation, technology and, above all, people. The people, who should benefit from the changes in the end, and thanks to Campana & Schott, feel securely accompanied and ready for the departure to new shores. A contemporary design that builds on the familiar and trustworthy elements of the existing brand, but skillfully modernizes them, looks like this:

Design language

Our design idea is based on the concept "We connect worlds." It is reflected in a design language that symbolizes the fusing of methodical and technological approaches as well as people and technology. Organic shapes emphasize humanity and ensure a high degree of recognizability.

The focus element

In the form of a set of graphic brackets, they symbolize the merging of different worlds and serve as a frame for brand images. They also offer the opportunity to set special accents and draw attention to individual people and objects.


A brand as versatile as the people behind it. In order to be able to depict diverse scenes and people in different contexts, we developed not only a very approachable illustration style, but also an extended color palette that also includes a whole range of different skin and hair colors in order to appear as realistic and approachable as possible in terms of illustration. As part of the resulting illustration kit, it is easy to use for all designers.

Powerpoint (first)

As Campana & Schott is a consulting firm, it quickly became clear that our brand also had to function beyond the marketing department. Our challenge was to provide the individual consultants with the means to quickly and pragmatically create presentations that were not only convincing in terms of content, but also visually integrated into the uniform brand image of all other channels.

Layout templates

To make the new corporate design quick and easy to use in everyday life, we developed a series of templates and design guidelines that facilitate the creation of various means of communication and make the brand fully usable and scalable.


Our project for Campana & Schott is an example of a successful brand transformation that harmonizes tradition and innovation, seriousness and humanity. The website conveys the new brand character and serves as a new flagship for state-of-the-art technology consulting.

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