
B2B Employer Branding

Loyal employees, excited talents

In the war for talent, B2B companies have to go the extra mile to be seen, understood and liked by talented people. In order to retain them in the long term, employees should identify with your company and its mission. Employer branding has thus become a must-have.

Our Services

  • Our Services

  • 01


    • Company

    • Target Groups

    • Candidate Journeys

    • Competitors

  • 02


    • Purpose Development

    • Employer Branding

    • Employer Value Proposition

  • 03


    • Claim

    • Storytelling Framework

    • Campaign Framework

    • Brand Style Guide

    • Asset Creation

  • 04


    • Campaigns

    • Career websites

    • Technical implementation

Your employer brand is the image current and potential employees have of your company. We ensure that this image is appealing and authentic and that it contributes to your corporate goals.

B2B Branding Vorgehen

Our goal is to create an attractive and differentiating employer brand that represents your company in a way that inspires talents and employees along the entire candidate and employee journey.

Together, we develop a strong competitive positioning as a foundation, a tailor-made employer promise and a communication strategy with which you can efficiently and successfully reach each individual employee target group.

Positioning as an employer

In the job market, every B2B company has its own unique terrain, characterized by specific players and rules. Our mission is to position your company in such a way that it attracts top talent and strengthens the loyalty of your experienced employees. Precise positioning is the key to this success.

To achieve this, we take a deep dive into your corporate culture, values and vision and focus on what sets you apart from the competition in the job market.

On this basis, we develop and define your employer brand, which is convincing in terms of content, visually impressive and radiates exactly what your future and current employees value. Tailor-made, authentic and differentiating – as a decisive advantage in the competition for the best minds.

Word "Purpose" with walnut and brain

Employee Value Proposition

We analyze the job market, identify trends and understand what really motivates the talents of today and tomorrow in your industry.

At the same time, in workshops and interviews with the HR department or directly with your employees, we learn the specifics. We discover what motivates them, what needs they have and what characteristics make a job at your company special and offer a reason, beyond the salary, for your employees to enjoy coming to work and giving their best every day.

Within the intersection of employee expectations and the special features that characterize your company lies the raw material for the employer promise. We turn this into a tangible message that clearly describes what you stand for, what you expect from your team and what a talent can look forward to when they choose your company.

Internal and external roll-out

The implementation of communication frameworks and plans, as well as the creation of style guides and design assets, support you in successfully rolling out the new employer brand.

For all existing employees, this represents a change that needs to be well planned and executed. The aim is to get employees on board and ultimately turn them into ambassadors for your employer brand before you start courting new talent with external campaigns. In this way, you avoid resentment within the team and at the same time ensure that all new talents immediately realize in their day-to-day work that your EVP is anchored in reality and are not just empty promises.

Internal and external measures can take many different forms. Here, too, the most important thing is to choose what makes sense in your company and target group context – it doesn't always have to be printed coffee cups and T-shirts, even if they are and remain an all-time favorite.

Get inspired

Employer branding services

Images Hays career page and employee campaign

Employee campaign

Collage of various assets for iteratec Champions Wall

Team event

Illustration key visual Celonis

Key Visuals

Collage of various assets to Celonis Brand Experience

Brand Experience

Collage assets for social media campaign "Power of You" by Yunex Traffic

Social Media

Illustration Template for Yunex Traffix

Social Media Employer Template

Collage Employer Starter Package for Yunex Traffic

Employer Starter Packages

Screenshot of the AVS Römer careers page

Career page

Collage Merchandise products SAP Hybris


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