Bühnenbild angelehnt an die Produktkommunikation von KSB

Pump it up for KSB

As a global champion for pumps and valves, they have found a partner in us who takes marketing and product communication to the next level. Strategically, in terms of content and visually.

The KSB Group is one of the leading suppliers of high-quality pumps, valves and associated systems and is represented on all continents with its own sales companies, production facilities and service operations. The basis of the company's success is innovative technology based on its own worldwide research and development work - a true global champion. It is precisely these specific characteristics and promises of success that we want to bring out clearly in our communication and therefore continue to develop our product and service communication in continuous collaboration.

As B2B brand and marketing experts, our multidisciplinary teams are able to provide KSB with comprehensive support. Both in the long-term strategic development of product and service communication as well as in many different ad hoc needs in day-to-day marketing and sales operations. We work internationally and with different teams.

KSB Print-Broschüre als Teil der Produktkommunikation


KSB B2B Marketing Asset übersetzt auf ungarisch

International campaigns

iPad Mockup mit einem exemplarischen KSB Website Screen

Data visualization

Beispiel-Asset einer KSB Produktkampagne

Product campaigns

KSB Produktkommunikation als Teil eines Messeauftritts

Exhibition stand

KSB Infografik mit Statistiken


Beispiel-Assets aus der KSB Olympia-Kampagne

Olympics campaign

Auszug aus den KSB Icon Sets


Beispielhafte Anwendung der KSB Produktkommunikation auf der Website

Website assets

Mockup einer KSB Handyhülle


B2B Marketing-Asset über ein Whitepaper auf Spanisch


Drag for more

A partnership with clear goals

Further development for strategically and visually convincing communication

The result is a very fruitful collaboration - always in close exchange, always with a view to the common goals: Greater brand awareness in known and new markets, establishing KSB as the global market leader in its segment.

The enriched color palette transports the energy and diversity of its slogan "Solutions for Life" into every format and medium. The aim is a clear, modern and above all authentic overall effect with a careful selection and balance of colors and color gradients and a clear focus on the quality products, which as high-quality renderings clearly show the expertise and attention to detail that are combined there.

Collage mit ANwendungsbeispielen der neuen KSB Produktkommunikation
Collage mit Seiten aus dem KSB Communication Guide

International Campaigns

Pumps and valves know no borders, which is why we place international advertisements across all channels.

Communication boost needed?

Talk to us!

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