Ein Bild zeigt das Design der SAP Hybris Website auf der Startseite.

hybris, SAP Hybris, SAP Customer Experience: the name changes, we stay

Start-up, scale-up, SAP upgrade – they remain loyal to us as a 360° full-service lead agency

The context

hybris was founded in 1997 as a small e-commerce software start-up and grew from there to around 3,000 employees. It was not only the turnover and future potential that prompted SAP to make the acquisition – the culture and fresh design were also warmly welcomed.

We embark on the growth journey together and cover everything that is needed along the way. From creating, managing and further developing the strong brand, to all kinds of brand and product communication and various websites, software user interfaces, presentations and advertising, to customer events, trade fair stands and videos.

Zu sehen ist das Event des SAP Hybris Summits von der Designagentur SNK


Als Beispiel für die Bildsprache ist das Foto einer jungen Dame zu sehen, die vor einer nächtlichen Stadtkulisse auf ein Tablet blickt

Visual language

Zu sehen ist ein Plakat an einer Bushaltestelle, mit einem stilisierten Astronauten und dem Text: All good, Houston


Zu sehen ist die grafische Darstellung für das Employer Branding für SAP von der Markenagentur SNK

Employer Branding

Zu sehen ist eine redaktionelle Gestaltung einer SAP Textseite von der Designagentur SNK

Editorial Design

Zu sehen ist eine Kampagnen-Landingpage für SAP

Landing pages for campaigns

Zu sehen ist eine Infografik für SAP, erstellt von der Designagentur SNK


Zu sehen ist eine Illustration für SAP von der Designagentur SNK


Zu sehen ist ein Raum voller Leute, die einer Präsentation von SAP zuhören, die von der Designagentur SNK erstellt wurde


Zu sehen ist ein Mann, der Brand Merchandise von SAP trägt


Zu sehen ist das Design von Mikroseiten und Untermarken für SAP, erstellt von der Designagentur SNK

Microsites und Subbrands

Zu sehen ist ein SAP Produkt Demo

Product demos

Zu sehen ist ein Raum mit Menschen, die sich einen SAP Showcase auf Ipads ansehen


Zu sehen ist eine Außenwerbung zu einem SAP Customer Experience Live Event von der Designagentur SNK

Out-of-home advertising

Zu sehen ist ein Rendering des SAP Messestands von der Designagentur SNK

Booth design

Zu sehen ist ein Screenshot der SAP Demo Cloud

Product demos

Zu sehen ist der Robotech Shoecraft 3D Printer auf einer Landingpage von der Designagentur SNK für SAP


Drag for more

Our approach

Already associated with the company when it was founded and then responsible for the further development and management of the hybris brand for almost 20 years.

When we say "connected", we mean it. Because we work according to a special concept that we call the "internal / external agency". We work as a normal part of the hybris team and take full responsibility for the brand, support the marketing team with all kinds of materials and our dear colleagues from schoene neue kinder conjure up user interfaces according to their expertise, which also fit wonderfully into the brand image.

Consistency across all these channels is the ingredient that quickly turns a fantastic product into a top dog, because it inspires trust and is positively remembered. This allowed hybris to quickly compete with the best in the market.

When SAP bought hybris in 2013, the deal became a proverbial "reverse takeover" in which the SAP brand cut thick slices off the hybris brand and culture – much to our delight, of course.

How B2C might B2B actually be?

B2B is a serious topic, after all, it involves the investment of large sums of money and the handling of highly confidential data. That’s true – absolutely. But if the expertise is right and the product meets the requirements, for us this means that you can also connect on a human level with a bit of a wink. Likeable, clever, and thematically appropriate: that’s the standard we set for design and assets.

Eine Collage zeigt die Website von SAP Hybris auf verschiedenen mobilen Endgeräten.

All digital: A wide range of collaterals

White papers, reports, and ebooks, data sheets, knowledge capsules, and magazines: expert content tailored to the target groups and their journey – to arouse interest and generate leads, all digitally. You can still look good and evoke nostalgia by making the layout look more like editorial and print.

Zu sehen ist eine Collage von Collaterals in SAP Hybris CI
Eine Collage der von SNK designten SAP-Hybris Broschüren.

Immersive event design

Creating your own event means creating your own world – a multi-sensual brand experience.

SAP hybris is omnipresent at industry events, where we help them make a fitting appearance. But what we particularly enjoy is the annual Global Summit. We use this to breathe new life into the brand and see it as a living object that does not shy away from further development without losing its essence. Here, we often pick up on current industry trends and topics to illustrate how a brand can remain relevant.

Our work starts with the general branding of the event, closely followed by all kinds of marketing and communication tools used to promote the event. Of course, it doesn't stop there, because what the advertising promises, the event should also deliver. Every location is designed from head to toe. From the smallest pencil to the largest wall, everything gets the loving design treatment to really immerse visitors. The whole thing ends with technical demos – from super-realistic product demos to innovative real-time virtual reality projects.

Fotos des SAP Hybris Global Summit
Impressionen des SAP Hybris 2017 Global Summit
Fira Barcelona Gran Via in Barcelona, Spanien


We can only say it again and again, experience shows that if you really want the newsletter to be read, you should take the time (and the budget) to start with a catchy headline and a strong visual. It simply has to make people want to read it and show that you have really made an effort to reach the target group – only then they will easily scroll through to the rest of the content.

Mailings für SAP Hybris in von der Design-Agentur SNK entwickelten CI

Responsive Design

Nowadays, hardly anyone talks about responsive design for long because it is generally taken for granted. However, we never tire of emphasizing that we were already implementing responsive layouts long before the term became famous.

Von der B2B Agentur SNK umgesetzte responsive Layouts für SAP Hybris.


Nothing is closer to your own life than large-scale print products and out-of-home advertising.

It hardly matters whether the audience is internal or external. If you have the opportunity and the space, printed advertising is simply a winner. Precisely because it captivates the audience, even though they have not actively sought engagement.

SAP Hybris Anzeigentafel an Bus/Tramhaltestelle
Print-Designs der Agentur SNK für SAP Hybris.

Visual systems

Being clever, interesting, and well thought out cannot be faked.

That's why it's worth taking the time to develop a truly vibrant, intelligent and flexible design system. Because this can really inspire customers and draw them into your own world and successfully set you apart from the competition. Not only does such a design system allow for an endless number of variations that can be created in a highly cost-efficient manner thanks to good preparatory work, it also ensures that you look truly unique – unlike with the umpteenth stock photo (no offense, though).

Geometrische Muster des SAP Hybris Deisgnsystems
Print-Aufsteller der Designagentur von SAP Hybris
Illustration von Menschen im SAP Hybris Designsystem von SNK
Illustration von Menschen im SAP Hybris Designsystem von SNK
Zu sehen ist ein Tablet mit einer im SAP Designsystem erstellten Einladung zur DMEXCO.

Social media marketing

Each channel plays by its own rules

And it's becoming increasingly complex, so you need a deep understanding of the do's and don'ts and cultural differences in order to create effective content for specific platforms. And humbly tooting our own horn: we know our stuff.

LinkedIn-Designs in CI von SAP Hybris.
Zu sehen sind SAP Hybris Summits, die 2018 weltweit in verschiedenen Städten stattfanden

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